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Confessions & Masses Resume at St. Anne Church Nov. 13/14!

Dear parishioners,

We are preparing to return to St. Anne Church for Confessions and Masses the weekend of November 13/14! Thanks to all who have generously donated their time, talent, and treasure to bring us to this exciting point.

Thanks also to all who, over the past couple weeks, completed the Sunday Morning Mass and Religious Education Class Schedule Survey on our parish website. As you recall, the survey was designed to help us create a Sunday morning schedule wherein our RE students and families can attend Sunday morning Mass either before or after RE class. Adjusting the Sunday morning schedule by a total of a half hour will also allow me, as your pastor, to spend more time sharing the faith with our RE students on Sunday morning (visiting classrooms, offering the Sacrament of Reconciliation, providing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, etc.). After reviewing all of the responses (nearly 100 in all!), the most popular of the three options was to move the 8:30 A.M. Mass up to 8 A.M. and to keep our previous times for RE class and our second morning Mass. Therefore, I am happy to share that our new Sunday morning schedule, beginning the weekend of Nov. 13/14 will be:

8:00 A.M. Mass (new)

9:00 A.M.--10:15 A.M. RE Class

10:30 A.M. Mass

I am hopeful that this revised Sunday morning schedule for our return home will better allow our Parish to promote Sunday Mass attendance and better provide for the spiritual needs of our youth. Also, to allow additional time for me to greet our St. Anne School children in the morning as they are dropped off for School, our Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning Masses will remain at 7 A.M. “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these’” (Mt 19:14).

God bless,

Fr. Draper

P.S. Thanks to all who generously volunteered this past week to put the Church back in order in preparation for our return home!