St. Anne School Where Excellence Begins

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Emergency Remote Learning Day for Monday, February 22nd.

St. Anne Families,
This morning, during Mass, one of the support beams in the Church suffered some structural damage. The belief is due to the weight of the snow.  The building was evacuated. No one was injured.

As a safety precaution, Father Draper has authorized an emergency school closing/remote learning day for Monday, Feb. 22, 2021. This gives certified contractors time to assess the damage and any potential safety concerns to our students, staff, families, and parishioners. This will also allow us to formulate additional logistical related plans if necessary.

Teachers will be sending out information via their normal communication channels (Google Classroom, Email, Dojo, etc.)

We are thankful that none of our St. Anne Family members were injured, and we thank all of our families in advance for your understanding. We will keep everyone apprised as updates occur.

Mr. Michael J. Armato
St. Anne School