Libraries & Digital Learning
A world of print and digital resources helps St. Anne School students learn and create.
Extensive library resources and state-of-the-art technology enhance students' learning experience. Excellent print and digital resources are available.
Faculty and the school librarian work together to foster a love of reading and a deep understanding of the research process. Across grade levels, students routinely visit each other's spaces and work as reading-buddies. Students come to view the library as an ongoing source of information and support they can access throughout the school day as needed.
Enhancing Classroom Instruction
Libraries enhance instruction across divisions, focusing on the academic skills students of different ages most need to learn. Elementary School students use library resources for long-term projects and learn to formulate and answer research questions. Middle School students continue developing their skills as researchers, with a special focus on using various print and online resources effectively. essential skills they will later
Students have access to outstanding technological resources, which they use not only for study, but also for creating and presenting their own contributions to academic discussions. The school Librarian and our Technology teacher help students integrate presentation programs and movie editing software into class projects. Every teacher and every classroom has been equipped with an interactive white board and a desktop/laptop computer.
K-5 all use iPads or Chromebooks in the classroom and have regular class time scheduled with our Mobile Computer Lab where students work on reading, writing, and math skills.
St. Anne School offers a 1:1 iPad program, issuing school-owned iPads – loaded with applications to support our curriculum – to all Kindergarten through Fourth Grade students. Fifth through Eighth Grade students are equipped with Google Chromebooks.
Fostering A Love Of Reading
The resources students use to discover and share ideas have changed dramatically in recent decades. What remains constant is that St. Anne School students learn to love reading – for research and for pleasure. Their enthusiasm is enhanced through fun library programs and activities.