St. Anne School Where Excellence Begins

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We will pray, play, and learn a lot along the way!


The sacraments are special encounters with Jesus, making him truly present in our lives.  As such, St. Anne's students celebrate the sacraments frequently so that Jesus will always be part of their lives.


At each weekly Mass, students from all grades participate in different ways: lectors, servers, gift bearers, and cantors.  By leading their fellow classmates in prayer and liturgy, they take a more active role in making the Faith part of their lives.  In addition, the sacrament of reconciliation is offered to students during Advent and Lent; but it is also available to them at any time by asking the parish priest.


St. Anne also places great value on preparing our students for receiving the sacraments.  First Communion preparation takes place during the second grade, but all grades focus on the sacraments in some form through their classroom study.  Sacramental preparation for non-Catholic students and their families who may wish to join the Church is also available by asking the Pastor.